Monday, December 12, 2011

The Occupy Movement - What Track to Take?

The Occupy Movement, which began in the United States, has spread throughout the world.  Demonstrations large and small have cropped up, with people coming together to protest a variety of issues that they see as problems in our nation and world.  This article is going to look at what the Occupy movement has managed to accomplish, and to try and make suggestions that, if followed, might actually help them accomplish their goals.

I.  The Occupy Movement Needs Goals.
           The Occupy Movement has been fairly leaderless.  Each city seems to have a grand assembly, where everything is voted upon in a beautiful example of pure democracy.  Unfortunately, what the Occupy Movement has not done is come up with a list of specific goals that they hope to accomplish.  The things they are protesting against seem to be almost everything.  The lists include corporate greed, the death penalty, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Space Exploration, (or conversely, the lack of space exploration), the climate, the environment, poverty, homelessness, foreclosures, and almost every other social and political problem facing the world today.  However, to put it succinctly, "The Lady doth protest too much, me thinks" (Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2)  While many if not all of the social and political evils protested by the Occupy Movement are important, by failing to focus on a few at a time, and work for meaningful change, the Occupy Movement limits its effectiveness.  Thus, the Occupy Movememt should establish a clear set of goals and agree that they will work towards those goals.  They can use their built-in democratic process to determine which goals they will pursue, and in what order, but do this they must or they will continue to be like a gnat:  they will get a lot of attention, but have little to no effect on American politics or the practices of corporate America.
          The goals must be reasonable goals.  This means, that the goals must not call for the demise of large corporations, for socializing America, or any other extreme position that will give their enemies ammunition to be used against them.  Reasonable goals, however, which are not extreme, will resonate with the reasonableness inherent in most Americans, and  further fortify the movement.  This means, for instance, that while eliminating corporate greed is an interesting idea, how does one do this?  'Tis a rhetorical question only.  The Occupy Movement will have to determine for itself what goals are reasonable, but I have faith that this can be accomplished given the resources in intelligence available to the movement.

II. Act Upon The Goals PEACEFULLY.
          The Occupy Movement, if it establishes clear, reasonable goals, which can be agreed upon by the majority of its members, can have a positive impact upon our nation and the world.   This means that the Occupy Movement will have to become a force for political change.   Through our political system will be the only methods of changing the vast majority of the problems.  The protesters need also to listen to the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, both of whom counseled against violence as a means of political protest.  To their credit, the protestors have largely been very peaceful, and most of the violence that has happened has been on the part of the police.  The police departments of several cities have proven their brutality several times, but that can backfire  upon civil authorities if not closely checked.
          How can the Occupy Movement  act upon its goals?  By organizing and getting involved in the political process.  In doing so, the Occupy Movement should not take aim at specific companies, for instance, but should instead look at the all companies, or an entire industry.  Boycotts, writing campaigns and other forms of social process are also effective when aimed at companies who are in business to make a profit.
          Influencing politicians is a different process altogether.  However, making sure that protesters who are eligible register to vote, and then vote, is an important first step.  While many in the US today are rather cynical about the power of the individual voter, the power of many voters, all of whom are irate over the action of any particular politician, is something that no politician wants to confront.  Add the publicity that the Occupy Movement seems to generate, and the Occupy Movement could become a force for political change.

III.  Do Not Give Up.
          The Occupy Movement started as a group of people who were fed up with the status quo.  Change in our system doesn't come overnight.  True change, of the type that is wanted by the Occupy Movement, is worth working for, until it comes about.  However, it will take long, hard work, by everyone involved, and involve sacrifice and courage to forge a better America and a better world.

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