Monday, November 28, 2011

Censorship in High School - Political Correctness Gone Mad

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback apparently has a thin skin.  He can't apparently stand the idea that a high school senior in Kansas thinks that "he sucked".

On November 21, 2011, during a field trip to the Kansas State Capitol Building in Topeka, Shawnee Mission East High School student Emma Sullivan, age 18, tweeted to a friend "just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot".  This tweet was apparently picked up by Gov. Brownback's staff, who then tracked it (how?) to Ms. Sullivan, and notified her principal.  The principal has demanded that she write a note to Gov. Brownback apologizing.

The more immediate question is, what for?  For saying she thinks he sucks?  It might surprise His Excellency, but not all Kansans think he is the second coming.  Governor Brownback's policies have led to a decline in Kansas schools, less opportunity for Kansas youth, all that the expense of making sure that his corporate buddies don't have their taxes raised.  His religious ideologies are somewhere out of the 15th century, and he has consistently tried to force his beliefs down the throats of the Kansas people.

Now, apparently his staffers think they need to protect him from what a high school student thinks.  Governor Brownback has shown his true colors as a fascist, who is not interested in freedom of speech unless he approves of the speech, and is interested only in what is good for Brownback, not for the people of Kansas.

Emma Sullivan should be given a medal, not punished.

UPDATE:  Shortly after noon on Monday, November 28, Governor Brownback's office released a statement indicating that his staff had "over-reacted" to the tweet.  Apparently, Fuhrer Brownback has decided to back off given all the negative publicity this incident has given to him and to Kansas.  He should also think long and hard about educating his staff on the basics of civil liberties, including the right to disagree publically with a public official, and including the right to say that a public official "sucks".

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