Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father of Our Lord

Today is Father's Day. A day when we honor those who are our fathers, or who fill that role.

We also, on this Sunday, as always, honor and worship our Heavenly Father. This Father, like our earthly fathers, has a deep abiding love for His children, who are all of the people of the earth. However, our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He was willing to send His only son. John 3:16.

The Gospel of John has beend dated to approximately 90 to 100 AD, well after most of Christ's initial band of followers were dead. Unlike the other three gospels, John is written to a different audience. John appears to be written more as an evangelic gospel, intended for the greek-speaking jews. In it, the ethos and theology differs considerably from the other gospels, and the Gospel according to John contains no parables or other more simplistic teaching tools.

Nevertheless, John contains some of the most important passages, including one of my favorites which favorites contained John 3:16, which in a nutshell, clarifies the entire basis of Christianity.

On this Father's Day, let us give thanks to God for His gift to the world, Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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