It appears that the cult-like "church" in Florida is about to learn another consequences of following the heretic that lead it. Authorities in Gainsville, Florida plan to bill Dove World Outreach Church approximately $180,000 for the costs of providing the massive security efforts around Mr. Jones' threats to burn multiple copies of the Qu'ran.
Mr. Jones, after incredible grandstanding on the national and international media, called off his plans to burn copies of the Qu'ran shortly before September 11. As I said in other posts, Mr. Jones, whose knowledge of the Christian faith is sketchy at best, and more closely resembles heresy, is an acute embarrassment to the the Christian faith through his message of hate and intolerance. His plan to burn the Qu'ran, a book holy to over 1 billion adherents to Islam, showed how little Mr. Jones had read of the book he claims to rever, the Holy Bible.
"If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic." Luke 6:29. Mr. Jones at one point was asked in a CNN interview about this principle. He replied, "I think in deed that most of the time, we as Christians are indeed call to turn the other cheek. I believe that most of the time, talk and diplomacy is the correct way. But I always think that once in a while, I think you see that in the Bible, there are incidents where enough is enough and you stand up." (Emphasis added) Oh, really? I wish I had been there to ask Mr. Jones to show me where Christ said that Christianity was a "part-time" faith, or that we could pick and choose those parts that we don't like. I have looked, and I can't find any such passage. Instead, Christ ordered us, in Luke 6: 27-28, to "But I tell you who hear me, Love your enemies, Do good to those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." This is the fundamental lesson of love and tolerance by which Christians are known.
As the circus down in Florida was winding to a close, the emphasis of Mr. Jones suddenly shifted to a interest in the location of the Islamic Center in New York. Whether this had been an interest of his in the past, and was just suddenly announced to the world when he found himself of the attention that he so cravenly desired, or whether this was a sudden revelation that he could make brownie points with the right wing who oppose the Islamic Center but who had condemned his plans is unknown. But the timing is suspicious.
Now, that the security concerns are apparently done, and Mr. Jones no longer claims to be interested in burning the Qu'ran, let us hope that the God that Mr. Jones claims is on his side will help him pay the $180,000 bill for the security on the circus that he caused with his heresy and self-aggrandizement.
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